From facing challenges accessing university or college education in 2019, George Omer Nalo approached his colleagues at different universities about the idea of giving back to their community back home. Those that bought the idea (Giving back to our communities) were originally about 42 but when they started to monthly contribute equivalent to $3, they were left only two contributing with his friend Isaac Abdu Bringi. The two started with the contribution of $3 per month and so had to save for the next 10 months of 2020 before receiving a donation of $50 from (Maha Adam) for registration process.

The challenge was “before asking people to support our work, what have we contributed by ourselves in terms of resources?” This is what sparked George Omer Nalo to rethink first starting with self-donations that would eventually influence someone somewhere to join in supporting the right to education of children and youth facing hinderances in accessing it.

After the first formal registration by the Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Agency (SRRA), two school-drop-out girls (Chichi Simon and Martha Khamis (R.I.P, May 2023)) in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan became the first foundational scholars to be given scholarship after the school head teacher availed their names and school reports cards. Considering the situation in the region already marginalized for more than 20 years although the girls were among the top performing students in class, due to financial difficulties, their education was critically in crisis and so their dreams put on hold. With the help of the school, the two girls were traced and brought them back to class.

This is just an example of what $3 saved for months could do to a vulnerable life of a rural girl in Sudan who wanted to study but her education was in crisis due to inaccessibility. In 2022, we managed to grow from 2 subscribing members to 7 contributing $30 monthly from $3. “Our first external donation was received from a friend of George from Arizona in the USA, Melinda Monroe” (the two met on Facebook) who donated $20 in 2021 which was alot of money by then since it purchased scholastic materials for the two girls who were lacking them to continue their school. “We didn’t have more than tuition fees from our savings”. From that time, the new monthly donors have transformed more children’s lives with their donation of $30 monthly.

Since then, EIC volunteers have continued to grow in numbers across East Africa who are majorly university students. EIC looks at its major countries of operation that include Tanzania, Sudan, Kenya, South Sudan and Uganda (remotely) therefore, having enjoyed the diversity and inclusiveness in their work as a team of people dedicated to ending education crisis in Africa while looking forward to mobilizing more resources and individuals passionate about a child’s right to education.

As the Education crisis in Africa remains a persistent challenge that undermines the continent’s development and prosperity, we have equally a role to play in ending it. While progress has been made in recent years, significant gaps and obstacles persist, hindering millions of children and young adults from accessing quality education and if accessed, it is not inclusive, equitable and holistic, leaving other children furthest behind the classroom dream. The unwavering determination and belief in the power of education, can only be justified when countless children are given the opportunity to fulfill their own dreams, breaking the cycle of poverty and ignorance in their communities. This is why EIC and many SDG4 supporters, term it as an education crisis.

Our story continues to build up as we continue to make efforts to ensure every child accesses inclusive, equitable, quality education for poverty alleviation and sustainable development.


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