School-Based MHPSS

School-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) refers to the provision of mental health and psychosocial services within educational settings. This approach recognizes that schools play a crucial role in supporting the holistic development of children and adolescents, including their mental well-being.

EIC believes that acknowledging and addressing the need for student and teacher mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) is fundamental for children and adolescents to be able to fully learn.


Children and adolescents living in emergencies and protracted crises face immense adversity and stress. Meeting the needs of the whole child requires a sea change way of working.

For a child who saw, witnessed, and experienced so much pain and loss, MHPSS is a critical phase in their learning. Therefore, their wellbeing is as important in promoting their learning experiences as expecting better and good grades. EIC strongly advocates for commitments leading into investing in school based MHPSS component in every school we reach as one of the strategic interventions aimed at promoting lifelong learning and holistic learning outcomes.

Teachers, administrators, and parents must be extensively trained to handle every learner with utmost care and attention to effectively identify and comprehend children’s behaviours while in class to be able to emotionally and physically help them overcome past trauma and mental health ranging from domestic violence and conflicted related pain. This is why implementing a school based MHPSS program activities that are safe and provide children and adolescents with engaging learning opportunities to practice new skills, build confidence and learn specific social emotional competencies is important for their learning to be smooth and impactful.

Design a multifaceted program that includes prevention, early intervention, and support services for mental health and psychosocial issues. Develop a curriculum that integrates mental health education, coping skills, stress management techniques, and resilience-building activities into the school curriculum. Incorporate evidence-based practices and interventions that are age-appropriate, culturally sensitive, and accessible to all students.

EIC’s Key Approaches

Implementing a school-based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) program in schools is essential for addressing the mental health needs of students and promoting overall well-being. For education in conflict areas to be of quality, MHPSS is a key input to holistic learning outcomes. The wellbeing of every learner is a center for academic performance and holistic learning for children and youth including those in hard-to-reach areas and marginalized communities affected by wars and conflicts.

Staff Training and Capacity Building: Provide training and professional development opportunities for teachers, school counsellors, and other staff members on mental health awareness, identification of mental health concerns, and appropriate response strategies. Equip staff with the skills and knowledge to support students in distress, facilitate peer support groups, and refer students to appropriate mental health services when needed.

Promoting a Positive School Climate: Foster a supportive and inclusive school environment that promotes positive mental health and well-being for all students. Implement strategies to prevent bullying, discrimination, and other forms of violence that can negatively impact students’ mental health. Promote Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) initiatives that enhance students’ emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and conflict resolution abilities. EIC through school debates fosters this initiative to encourage dialogue and views exchange with the goal of promoting conflict resolution among students with differing opinions on contemporary topics.

Access to Mental Health Services: Establish partnerships with mental health professionals, community organizations, and local health services to provide access to mental health assessment, counseling, and treatment services for students in need. Ensure confidentiality and privacy protections for students seeking mental health support and provide information on available resources and support services.

Crisis Response and Management: Develop protocols and procedures for responding to mental health crises, including suicide prevention and intervention strategies. Train staff members on how to recognize warning signs of crisis, provide immediate support and assistance to students in distress, and coordinate with emergency services when necessary.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the MHPSS program, including collecting data on program outcomes, student participation, and satisfaction with services. Use evaluation findings to make adjustments and improvements to the program over time, based on feedback from students, staff, and other stakeholders.

Parent and Community Engagement: Involve parents and caregivers in the MHPSS program through workshops, information sessions, and other outreach activities that provide education and support on mental health issues. Collaborate with community organizations, mental health providers, and other stakeholders to promote awareness of mental health issues and ensure a coordinated approach to supporting students’ mental health and well-being.


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