Gather for SDG4

Uniting Communities for Quality Education

About this platform:

Education in Crisis – EIC is a two-time award wining NGO on the African continent in 2022 at Africans Rising and 2023 at African Youth SDG Summit respectively. In 2023, at the grand African Youth SDGs Achievers Awards Ceremony of August 17, 2023 at Kenneth Kaunda Wing of Mulungushi international conference centre in Lusaka Zambia, two of its top Executives were awarded the prestigious awards, George Omer Nalo under respective category “Leave No One Behind Award” and Okwalinga David under respective category, goal 4: Innovation for Quality Education Award, making us award-winning team of youth professionals with diverse backgrounds and cultures but with a common goal, “Improved free quality education for all”. It is here where adaptability is not an option thus enjoying the pride of teamwork and diversity. These prestigious awards acknowledge and honour individuals and organizations whose efforts have been instrumental in promoting youth inclusive governance and participation on the continent in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially goal 4 and 5 of the UN.

Gather for SDG4 is a dynamic platform aimed at fostering collective action and community engagement to advance Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4). With a focus on inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration, this initiative seeks to mobilize individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide to prioritize and invest in education as a fundamental driver of sustainable development.

You can Gather:

As a Donor:

Whether one-time, monthly, quarterly, or annual donor, individuals who help create awareness, raise financial resources, and take action to end education crisis are our donors. EIC uses donation-based model to raise funds to support its scholarship program.

About Us

Education in Crisis is an Africa’s growing NGO dedicated to promoting inclusive, equitable and quality education for all by ending the education crisis on the continent while giving opportunities to children and young people to unleash their full potential.

EIC brings together a diverse network of African professional youth, individuals, donors, and volunteers to ensure all young people have access to improved free quality education by offering secondary school scholarships to high performing yet financially disadvantaged students to realize their dreams. Your monthly, quarterly, and annual contribution of any amount of $ to support a child’s tuition, school supplies and improve schools where those children learn, makes incredible transformation.

Founded in 2019, EIC’s head office is domiciled in Arusha, Tanzania with projects office in the Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan State, central Sudan. Our support has reached six African countries so far. Education In Crisis is a legally registered NGO with registration NO. 00NGO/R/4348 under the NGO registration Act NO. 24 of 2002 of the United Republic of Tanzania.

Give something back: Many of us live extremely fortunate lives. We have a roof over our head, family, friends and rarely go to sleep hungry. The world isn’t like that for everyone. In fact, there is unimaginable suffering taking place in almost every country in the world. A lot of us live privileged lives and if we can give something back to the world then we really should.

As a donor, you receive.

  • Newsletter mentions.
  • Exchange letters with a child you sponsor.
  • Thank-you letter, emails, or videos.
  • A spot on your donation wall (Foundational Donors Wall) at the head office in Tanzania
  • Invitations to EIC’s fundraising events.
  • Social media shout-outs

And more

To find the program to support, please visit

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As a Volunteer:

EIC’s led by award winning volunteer young Professionals from 7 African countries with diverse skills, cultural background, career and professions, experiences, and dreams for a common goal, “Making accessible quality education for all”. Bringing to the table our diversity has been a great value addition to our grassroot mobilization effort since 2020.

From around the world at the comfort of your angle, EIC offers unique volunteer opportunity to those who are passionate about making accessible quality education for all. Through their expertise, time, efforts, resources and professional services, professionals come together to make better collective planning, development and implementation of strategic priorities that promote the right to education of every child and youth whose education is in crisis.

Despite our diversity, we utilize its beauty and strength that it brings a long with it. This is why we work as a team committed to a common goal.

By Joining EIC’s Volunteer Program, You;

Make a difference: You can be that difference that helps to change lives for the better with every small action, you contribute to something bigger. What better reason is there than to help change the world for the better?

Enjoy and improve your health: From creating memories that will last you a lifetime, new experiences to new friends. Volunteering opens new doors and opportunities. Recent research has shown that volunteering makes a measurable positive difference on individuals overall happiness and mental well being when you take care of others and yourself at the same time by volunteering!

Develop new skills and career boost: Volunteering often pushes people to develop new skills and new ways of thinking. Just being in a different environment where people work differently can help you to develop lifelong skills that help you in every part of your life. If you want to get, ahead try volunteering for an organisation that works in a similar field to where you want to work and try to absorb as much as you can. It will not only look great on your CV, but it will also give you an edge when going for your dream job.

Inspire and be inspired: As a matter of fact, we meet a lot of beneficiaries full of interesting stories to tell. Whether you are being regaled with stories from the past by a person from war area or a young child is showing you all the different ways to look at the world, often you can’t help but be inspired as you inspire them too with your support system!

Be part of something big: A lot of us will only be able to donate a relatively small amount of time each week, but it is important to see the bigger picture you are contributing to. Powerful work is made up of thousands of actions from any number of people who come together to build something better. Imagine being part of our history in making accessible quality education for the most successful graduates in years to come who will become doctors, engineers, politicians or change makers like you because of you?

Start something in your name: EIC honors and values the contribution made by various individuals whether as members, volunteers or partners, your contribution to children’s education matters to us now and in the future. EIC will give you the opportunity to make personal initiatives such as fundraise for specific cause, appeal, or mobilization of support. This is a chance to make a unique contribution to be remembered for years to come on our Foundational Donors Wall at the head office!

Use your network and skills: Often referred to as pro bono support, EIC welcomes volunteers who want to donate their professional skills to a promote our work. Whether you are an accountant, lawyer, nurse, teacher, manager, influencer or almost any other profession, you can find a task at EIC that is badly in need of your professional skills. You can as well help connect or spread a word about us to your network of friends who believe in the power of education.

To join or learn more about how to join and be part of this incredibly hands on team, you can explore through the link below.

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As a Partner:

Starting with institutions of learning, private businesses that support sustainable social transformation, NGOs, individual and corporate donors, group, family, everyone can change anyone’s story when they become part of it through various support.

Partnering for Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG4) to ensure every child in Africa has access to quality education is crucial for the continent’s future.

Academic and Research Partnerships: Collaborate with secondary schools, universities, and institutions where our scholars take up their studies as well as research institutions to conduct studies, share best practices, and innovate educational approaches tailored to the needs of African communities, markets, and workforce.

Government Partnerships: Collaborate with national and local governments in Africa to develop and implement policies that prioritize the transformation of education, allocate sufficient funding, and improve infrastructure for schools as a way to invest in quality of human capital for sustainable development.

Media Partnerships: Partner with media organizations to raise awareness about the importance of quality education, share success stories, and advocate for policy changes that prioritize education as a fundamental right for every child in Africa. Working with influencers and social activists to amplify our education voice.

Technology Partnerships: Harness the power of technology by partnering with tech companies to develop educational tools, online platforms, and digital learning content that can reach remote and underserved areas in Africa especially in hard-to-reach areas and emergency situations that make educational accessibility difficult.

Community Partnerships: Engage local communities, including with corporate entities to invest in education through corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, public and private sectors, parents, teachers, and community leaders, to foster ownership and support for education initiatives, address cultural barriers, and ensure sustainability by mobilizing resources from within them to solve local problems facing local people.

NGOs and Non-profit Partnerships: Partner with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and non-profits that specialize in or support the right to education to expand access to quality schooling, provide teacher training, and support community-led initiatives and to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks to support educational programs and policies in Africa.

To join or learn more about how to join and be part of this incredibly hands on team, you can explore through the link below.

Why Gather for SDG4?

The Agenda 2063, the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025 (CESA 16-25), the Technical and Vocational Education Training Strategy (TVET Strategy) and the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024) aim to significantly raise educational achievement in terms of access, quality, efficiency and relevance.

From effort, time to resource, we believe that no one would wish to waste any of them at any moment. Imagine a world where every person volunteered for just a few hours a week? Where every one of us dedicated just a small proportion of our time to supporting people in need. How many lives could we change? How much better could we make the world for every single one of us?

This is an appeal to every great human being out there. We all know that there are people with less opportunities than us. We know that there are organisations working to create a better world who we could support. We all know that everyone is gifted differently. And we all have something that we can contribute. Volunteer for a child’s education and help create a better world today.

To help inspire you to be a part of EIC’s team of incredible individuals we’ve created a list of the top five reasons why you should consider gathering for SDG4 wherever you are now and in the future!

We gather for SDG4 to:

Raise Awareness: to date, some people are not sure about the benefits of education to a child depending on their experiences and how they perceive its relevancy. Increase awareness about the importance of SDG4 and the critical role of education in achieving sustainable development goals.

Foster Collaboration: Working together in collective and coordinated efforts although with diverse views but with common goals and objectives has proven for a long time to very effective way to achieve and impact more. Facilitate collaboration and partnership-building among diverse stakeholders, including governments, civil society, academia, private sector, and youth groups, to address education challenges collectively.

Drive Action: A voice can be interpreted as a shout or cry, but voices could be interpreted as celebration or call. This is what Education in Crisis perceives the collective voices of individuals who share a common goal when they decide to join their voices for a cause they believe in. Inspire and mobilize individuals and communities to take concrete actions to support quality education initiatives at local, national, and global levels.

Promote Innovation: A child given an opportunity to be in class imagines a future through a dream, pen, book, and safe learning space. When additionally supported with resources, they craft ideas and turn problems into opportunities to apply their passions and likes. EIC hopes to encourage the development and implementation of innovative solutions and approaches to enhance access, equity, and quality in education.

EIC’s Approaches

Community Engagement Events: Organize community gatherings, workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to engage diverse stakeholders in discussions and activities related to SDG4. Provide platforms for sharing best practices, success stories, and innovative ideas for advancing quality education.

Advocacy and Policy Dialogue: Conduct advocacy campaigns to raise awareness among policymakers and stakeholders about the importance of prioritizing education in national development agendas. Facilitate policy dialogues and consultations to identify key priorities, challenges, and opportunities for improving education systems and outcomes.

Partnerships and Collaboration: Forge partnerships with government agencies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, businesses, and community groups to leverage resources, expertise, and networks for SDG4 initiatives. Collaborate with international organizations and global networks working on education-related issues to amplify impact and share lessons learned.

Youth Engagement: Empower youth as agents of change by providing platforms for their voices to be heard, amplifying their ideas and initiatives, and fostering leadership and advocacy skills. Support youth-led projects and campaigns that contribute to achieving SDG4 objectives and address the specific needs and challenges faced by young people in accessing quality education.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish mechanisms for monitoring progress towards SDG4 targets, including data collection, analysis, and reporting on key education indicators. Conduct regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness and impact of Gather for SDG4 initiatives and activities and use findings to inform future planning and decision-making.

Gather for SDG4 represents a collective commitment to ensuring that every individual has access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities. By uniting communities, fostering collaboration, promoting innovation, and driving action, this initiative aims to accelerate progress towards achieving SDG4 and creating a world where education is inclusive, equitable, and empowering for all. Together, we can build a brighter future for generations to come.


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